The proposed meeting schedule for 2024 is:
The proposed meeting schedule for 2024 is:
The National Landscape Partnership meets three times a year. Pdf versions of the draft agenda and meeting papers are placed on this webpage in advance of each meeting followed by draft minutes of the same as soon as they are available. If you require the papers in another format please contact us.
Online meetings provide the opportunity for observers to follow the meeting live via the South Devon National Landscape YouTube channel. The livestream commences after any pre-main agenda briefings and when Statements from members of the public have completed.
Note the recording to YouTube will be suspended, with video feed off and sound muted, prior to any agenda item containing privileged information that we are not entitled to make public.
If you would like more information about attending as an observer, please feel free to contact us.
At the Chair’s invitation, members of the public and representatives of interested organisations are able to make a statement or comment about any matter on the Partnership meeting agenda. The time may also be used to present a petition on any matter within Partnership’s remit. The total length of Public Statement time will be no more than 15 minutes total.
Anyone wishing to speak should email us providing a copy of their proposed statement at least three weeks before the meeting.
Members of the public or interested organisations may submit questions or information for consideration by the Partnership meeting, provided that the question is submitted to the National Landscape Manager in writing or by e-mail at least three weeks in advance of the meeting date.
The Partnership will provide a reply to any such questions through the National Landscape Manager within two weeks of the Partnership meeting.
Meeting Papers
Below are pdf versions of papers for Partnership meetings. To see papers from meetings that took place earlier than shown, or to request a different format, please contact us.