18 Nov Results – National Landscape Community Representative election
Organisations and businesses in the South Devon National Landscape recently cast their votes to elect community representatives to sit on the South Devon National Landscape Partnership committee. Votes have been counted and the results are in!
There are eight Community Representatives on the National Landscape Partnership Committee. Voting took place in the four categories having more than one nominee: Amenity groups, Business , Coast and Marine and Tourism.
Election results
Two current community representatives remain on the National Landscape Partnership
A big thank you to:
- Peter Sandover, representative for Community or voluntary groups
- Ed Parr Ferris, representative for Environmental organisations (NGOs)
for all their past hard work. We are looking forward to continuing to develop opportunities and relationships in the coming years.
Six new community representatives on the National Landscape Partnership
A warm welcome to:
- Penny Mills, representative for Amenity groups
- Charles Wreford-Brown, representative for Landowning and farming
- Gary Jolliffe, representative for Businesses
- Liz Hitchins, representative for Parish and Town councils
- Laura Campbell, representative for Tourism
- Natasha Bradshaw, representative for Coast and marine
A very big thank you and goodbye to:
- Geoffrey Osborn
- Robert Steer
- Kate Ryder
- Lynne Maurer
For all their hard work in supporting the South Devon National Landscape